Other Publications - LEADconnection - Page 85

Other Publications

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Concomitant leadless pacing in pacemaker-dependent patients undergoing transvenous lead extraction for active infection: Mid-term follow-up. 

Beccarino NJ, Choi EY, Liu B, Kim BS, Pagan E, Saleh M, Gabriels JK, Epstein LM.
Heart Rhythm. 2023 Feb 9:S1547-5271(23)00129-7. doi: 10.1016/j.hrthm.2023.02.003.
Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36764351.

Long-term follow-up of selective and non-selective His bundle pacing leads in patients with atrioventricular block.

Frausing MHJP, Bæk AL, Kristensen J, Gerdes C, Nielsen JC, Kronborg MB.
J Interv Card Electrophysiol. 2023 Nov;66(8):1849-1857. doi: 10.1007/s10840-023-01488-x.
Epub 2023 Feb 8. PMID: 36753028

Risk factors for Gram-negative bacterial infection of cardiovascular implantable electronic devices: multicenter observational study (CarDINe Study).

Pascale R, Toschi A, Aslan AT, Massaro G, Maccaro A, Fabbricatore D, Dell'Aquila A, Ripa M, Işık ME, Kızmaz YU, Iacopino S, Camici M, Perna F, Akinosoglou K, Karruli A, Papadimitriou-Olivgeris M, Kayaaslan B, Bilir YA, Evren Özcan E, Turan OE, Işık MC, Pérez-Rodríguez MT, Yagüe BL, Quirós AM, Yılmaz M, Petersdorf S, De Potter T, Mangoni ED, Akova M, Curnis A, Gibertoni D, Diemberger I, Scudeller L, Viale P, Giannella M; CarDINe Study GroupThis study is endorsed by ESGIAI, ESGBIES and SCARE Study Groups.
Int J Antimicrob Agents. 2023 Jan 20:106734. doi: 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2023.106734. Online ahead of print.
PMID: 36690123

Risk factors associated with higher mortality in patients with cardiac implantable electronic device infection.

Kalot MA, Bahuva R, Pandey R, Farooq W, Mir A, Khan A, Kerling D, Aftab H, Kovacs A, Gupta S, Smith M, Tian L, Amuthan R, Sharma UC.
J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. 2023 Mar;34(3):738-747. doi: 10.1111/jce.15817.
Epub 2023 Jan 19. PMID: 36640427; PMCID: PMC10006317.

Regional Antibiotic Delivery for Implanted Cardiovascular Electronic Device Infections.

Topaz M, Chorin E, Schwartz AL, Hochstadt A, Shotan A, Ashkenazi I, Kazatsker M, Carmel NN, Topaz G, Oron Y, Margolis G, Nof E, Beinart R, Glikson M, Mazo A, Milman A, Dekel M, Banai S, Rosso R, Viskin S.
J Am Coll Cardiol. 2023 Jan 17;81(2):119-133. doi: 10.1016/j.jacc.2022.10.022.
PMID: 36631206. Full Text